High Idle on 05 Classic

Thank you for the info, do I need to take anything apart or just clean and lube with the WD40?
I do not like wd40 because there are dozens of other high quality solvents and lubricants that do a better job. Wd40 has its applications but only as a one stop can of its good enough.
I would never use wd40 on any part like that. There are better lubricants on the market.
But you do you. Just my 2 cents
Better than wasting money on a unnecessary TPS replacement. Suggesting WD 40 is just a suggestion not intended to be a rule. Just my 2 cents.
I cleaned/soaked the assembly in WD and PB but on the way in to work it only dropped below 2K rpms one time, so I guess I'm looking into TPS replacement process. I have this cable for my TDIs and thought it may work for the Rocket but I couldn't get TuneECU to do anything, the lights on the adapter at port turned green but no data I guess I need something different.


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Better than wasting money on a unnecessary TPS replacement. Suggesting WD 40 is just a suggestion not intended to be a rule. Just my 2 cents.
Impossible to change a TPS without tune ecu. So what's the point? Just get tune ecu and find out why. Kinda pointless otherwise
You would be wise to get the Lonelec cable recommended by the developer. It's pretty cheap. Just out of curiosity have you checked the rear TPS to make sure it's tight? It's only held by one screw. I I had mine vibrate loose once but it never caused a fast idle, it just caused a loss of power. Could be something wonky with the stepper motor if it still has one. Once again TunECU is needed.
Thanks for the suggestions, I bought TuneECU I just have to get proper cable then figure out how to check the TPS in the app