High Idle on 05 Classic

Welcome from Utah!!

I will second this. Took me a year to get the muster to mess with Tune ECU, but it has been well worth the time it took to learn. Especially useful for the pre 2020 Rockets.
I'm not a mechanic, but my understanding is there are two TP sensors, one towards the front of the bike, and one towards the back. I think I've read it's the front TPS that is usually the bad one, but it's an old bike so I replaced both.
Usually it's the rear tps, the one on the rear of engine, but like Kevin said, you need Tune ecu and the specific cable to set
I'm so pleased at all the help I've gotten here, I was so hoping the Rocket owners were going to be nice and supportive and its nice that it is a helpful community .

I'm going to lube all the cables/linkages etc really good first, and also purchase TuneECU and try to figure the proper cable to buy

I'm impressed at how nimble this big bike is, its going to be a blast on Kentucky backroads
I'm a former Rocket owner (15 years with the Beast) and I have to say there is a wealth of support from the owner's here. I still check in to see what's up (mostly because I miss my Rocket) and don't mind sharing some tips I learned along the way. I think that's true of almost everyone here.

TuneECU is an essential tool and because you're bike is an original version a cable is necessary. I had to get an adapter (USB ro USB-C) to plug my old TuneBoy cable into my son-in-laws 2010 Speed Triple and Galaxy tablet. All my modern Triumphs use wireless OBD.
Check the physical linkage of the idle control. It's directly above the oil tank towards the front. If you drop a rocket it is entirely possible to bend the bracket that hold that. I had this exact issue but the problem was clearly it was bent but the linkage could have some slop or play in it as well. If the TPS is correct then this is the issue
Check this before spending your money. This fixed my sporadic high idle. Follow the throttle cables back to behind the overflow tank. Road stuff gets in the throttle Springs and binds them up. A healthy dose of WD 40 and my fast idle was gone and had never returned. Cheap fix.


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there is a little gismo in there that will let it rev to 5000 rpm while holding throttle closed. that sticks.
i have fixed mine several times but i live on dirt road