Hi, Removed dead battery and thought I had four connectors on each terminal of my 2006 Triumph rocket 3. Now I see 5 - 6 Help with wiring pls!!

I would bolt on the 5 terminals that have the pluses then put the fuse with one blade to the neg post and then take each of the other wires to the other blade
Start with the main ground big black wire if that blows the fuse then u have a problem with the positive side.
If ok i would combine the big and the one next and start the bolt then i would use the fuse to bolt and final wire to ground to to the other blade of the fuse.
Now take a break go inside and check your fire insurance then go and turn on ignition key more than likely u will b ok. Lol
Hey worst case you burn down the house, fry all the sensors and burn all the wiring and the ECU, all in a day's work 😁 better do it away from the house, maybe push it to the end of the driveway, or by that neighbors house you can't stand, kill 2 bird's with 1 stone 😁🤞😞🐀👌👍🥱🤪😜
Next time take picture first, fockus later.😁 Hope it all goes well, with the fuses in place it should, you just have to make sure it's a go ignition on, all switches made while fuses are in there, cause your not checking a circuit if it it's off/open to begin with but I think if you go with the picture i sent back with the plus and minus signs and I think you only have 2 black wires to negative you have to fuse and 2 red wires plus signs you have to fuse so you can add all the 2 negative to 1 fuse/breaker and put on the battery negative. Then 2 red plus sign wire's to a fuse/breaker on the battery positive, and turn on the ignition, start it up and we will all cross our fingers everything works, otherwise you should have individual fuses so you know right away which one is wrong, cause if you hook up one at a time you're not making a complete circuit necessarily, but the only wire that is hooked up to the ignition switch should be the one positive with a fuse already that's almost on top of the plus sign molded into the battery with the little bit of red rubber going around the tip I think is probably the original one that goes to the rectifier/regulator you can trace that, and it has a fuse anyway, everything else is custom add-on except the big gauge 10 ga positive and negative, and we know they are right, Hook them up and it should start, and you're probably safe ride it closer to the neighbors house 😁🥱 and do the rest.🤞
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I kind of have a rats nest of extra wires going to my battery. As I am getting closer to completing my power up-grade project, I am thinking of making some kind of electric power bar to use instead of stacking a dozen crimp end wires to the batter posts. Have any of you guys made something brilliant for this ?
I kind of have a rats nest of extra wires going to my battery. As I am getting closer to completing my power up-grade project, I am thinking of making some kind of electric power bar to use instead of stacking a dozen crimp end wires to the batter posts. Have any of you guys made something brilliant for this ?

SOYOND Waterproof Fuse Block,fuse Box With Led Indicator Damp-proof Cover 12 Circuits With Negative Marine Fuse Block For Dc 12/24v Automotive Car Marine Boat RV Truck https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HDZVW3P/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_WRV317F73FCENP629HHA

And put a 1/4" bolt through something metal that's grounded for the grounds, mines on the fender. 😊 GL
I kind of have a rats nest of extra wires going to my battery. As I am getting closer to completing my power up-grade project, I am thinking of making some kind of electric power bar to use instead of stacking a dozen crimp end wires to the batter posts. Have any of you guys made something brilliant for this ?

There are several commercial products available. I use an Eastern Beaver PC8 that has a fixed number of switched and unswitched circuits. There is at least one with programmable circuits. Check an RV or marine store unless you want to reinvent the wheel