Hi from New York

How's the weather in Maine. Still a little frosty this morning in NY. Hope to get on two wheels later though.

Those beautiful high 60's low 70's days seem to have deserted us for a while, and we're in a much more usual pattern for this time of year. Sunny today and 49, but I think I need to air out my brain regardless of weather.
I can't wait to see one of those Roadsters up close and personal. Congrats on your purchase!
Welcome from Afghanistan, and soon to be Molino, FL (N. FL.).


1 dtg Dubai
2 dtg Home
Hi from London!

Welcome from across the "pond"..

You will love it. Different league completely.

Why did you go for this and not the Thunderbird?

Id be a bit wary taking this into Manhattan..!
Welcome aboard, Don! That Roadster looks like it's going to be sweet. I hope you've been keeping your sanity while you wait. I'm pulling my hair out about my exhaust and highway pegs, I can't imagine waiting for the whole bike! Hang in there, it's well worth the wait. I lucked into my Classic with a couple hundred miles while I was shopping between the Street Glide and the Ultra Classic. They were great bikes, but having come from sportbikes I couldn't pass up the handling, and the power is in another world. Really smooth too; I can burn off a 400-500 mile day and be ready to keep going. And yours has even more power! You're going to love your new bike!
Thanks to Everyone for making me feel so welcome.

Yeah it's tough waiting but it'll be worth it. I'll admit the Thunderbird is a nice looking bike. I decided on the Rocket III because I'm a big fan of the shaft drive, low maintenence and all. I went with the Roadster for all the manly reasons, Power & Speed. Phantom Black was my daughter's decision. Both colors look great.

I'm about 200 miles north of Manhatten in the Catskill Mountain Area. We've got some great rides, although 6 months of the year a fur parka is a little more apropriate than a leather jacket.
200 miles north of Manhattan should put you just about in my back yard. Let me know when you get it and we'll get together for a ride. I hope you went to Ed's service and didn't fall back into your HD past on Central Ave. They may have bought a Triumph franchise but they still try to treat customers like a HD dealer
I'm located down in Catskill during the week...Delhi on the weekends. Always ready to ride. Three weeks to go. I'll let you know when it's in.

Sorry but Central Ave was the location. Didn't actually know Ed's existed until you mentioned them. I never would have considered a triumph if Spitzie hadn't showed me how good they look.

Good Riding
Enjoy your new ride! be careful for awhile on it! your about to hop on a bike that has double the horsepower and torque of your HD ! there are many great guys on here to help you with any accessories, or mods you may want to do later on, or if you just have questions! ask and they will be answered!
Still waiting

Well, I'm starting week 9 of the 3-4 week wait time for my new roadster. Suffering is good for the soul, right?

I at least got to see..sit on & ride a demo roadster. It was better than expected. The feel, the bulk, the power. It's all worth the wait.

btw - I'm told that it will be a 2011 early release when it does get here. Hopefully within a couple more weeks.

Ride Long Ride Safe