Hi everyone I'm Crustey from Michigan

Welcome from Colorado...and yes resident smart azz by way of N.Y.:D If you're interested in a rule book I'm sure TC can print you one. It may also be for sale on Amazon for the low low price of $19.95 but don't hold me to that. Otherwise just enjoy the site lots of good info here. You may find answers to your questions in older postings as well. Hint as some folks get tired of repeating themselves over and over... I Don't recommend using me as a resource as I believe I know just enough to be dangerous. Good luck and enjoy.
i say let the posers slide. It may be that they can't own a rocket for whatever reason and get the thrill vicariously. You never know.:eek:

oh! Welcome crusty.

welcome from kentucky.....oh yeah... Some ride a rocket to compensate...lol///just sayin!!!!! Hello!!!! :d
gday crusty, welcome to the site, im sure you'll find the site very entertaining and interesting filled with useful bits of info.

occasionally you get the odd smart arse that will bag one of the most valuable members of the site and make smartarse comments about rule books etc. If you do come accross these types, remember, its like the time you didnt wipe your arse properly and some crap crusted up in your anal hairs. Its a bit of a pain but really you just wash it or rip it out and you'll forget it was ever there. LMAOPMSL:roll:

Lol, sorry mate had to wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes imagining what that ****wit is thinking. Would love him to PM and take it up with me in private. LMAO

Anyway, you enjoy the site there fella and I hope you grow to contribute and share the passion we all do for our beasts.
gday crusty, welcome to the site, im sure you'll find the site very entertaining and interesting filled with useful bits of info.

occasionally you get the odd smart arse that will bag one of the most valuable members of the site and make smartarse comments about rule books etc. If you do come accross these types, remember, its like the time you didnt wipe your arse properly and some crap crusted up in your anal hairs. Its a bit of a pain but really you just wash it or rip it out and you'll forget it was ever there. LMAOPMSL:roll:

Lol, sorry mate had to wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes imagining what that ****wit is thinking. Would love him to PM and take it up with me in private. LMAO

Anyway, you enjoy the site there fella and I hope you grow to contribute and share the passion we all do for our beasts.

***n Priceless, You are a true wordsmith and should write a book:rolleyes:
I can't keep up with the acronym language "LMAOPMSL"
Had to Google this one.:cool:
LMAOPMSL= Laughing My Ass Off Pissing My Self Laughing.

Kind of a double whammie really!!

Dont you have Google Richard?:rolleyes:
Ponters just ignore him ... like everyone else does .. I don't know why I keep responding to the ****head.
Welcome from S.W. Michigan. I ride out of Battle Creek, occasionally over to Lake Michigan. Sold my Harley to get this '10 Roadster- no regrets! Only trouble you may have is acquiring speeding tickets. My Harley was too slow to worry about thar issue!