Hey guy's.... what do you think....???

Sometimes I just don't get Honda... I also have a VF-1100 V65 Sabre... a bike that was made for only 2 years and WAY ahead of it's time... V4, water-cooled, shaft drive, 6 speed trans (5 gear was 1 to1 and 6th gear was 1 to .88, so it would stretch out it's legs really good), self cancelling turn signals, motor with 121 HP @ the crank... but people wanted the Magna style.. and if Honda installed FI on the 1500 Valk and kept the same style... they would still be selling a sh?t load of them...
It's still the best cruiser in existence. The only bike that matches it's beauty is the Rocket III. The Thunderbird approaches the Valkie and the RIII. I personally have lost taste for the Harleys. There are so many that it's like going to a museum. The beauty of a masterpiece is lost in the crowd of other art.
I don't know your size or skills Ray, bu t I went from a Mean Streak to the Rocket 3 as my daily rider.
I'm 5'7" and 170#, not flat footed at a stop but well a balanced bike. Easy to hold.
Rides like a much smaller standard bike and performs like one too.
Easy to ride 400+ miles a day for multiple days and capable of leaving many bikes in the dust on the twisties
this thing makes me smile every time I get on it.
I need to go to the garage and see if my Harley will start, last time i started it was about 2 months before we went to Lakey!

I agree The Magna is a fantastic bike but it is too small for anyone over 5-8". Why was the Valkie butchered into a Rune or the current Valkie is beyond me. If they brought it back in it's original naked F6 configuration with EFI, two versions Touring and Sport they would sell 1000 a yr and make the motorcycle world a favor. I would buy one.
Still available.
Hey guy's... kind of a up-date... I'm 'holding' off on getting a bike till after the first of the year... all of the bikes that I have looked at are still with there sellers.... So... I'm just thinking to get a WAD cash in my pocket and go see the 3-4 bikes here in Houston and them travel up to Austin area and look at that under 50 mile dresser up there... then make the best "CASH" deal....
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Sounds to me you should stick to the Honda, your not ready for the R3 it would only rip your heart out!!!

Let me know when you are going and I'll ride with you and you can test my RIII.
I also hesitated buying a new bike after looking at a road King, f6b and the R3t. They were all great bikes in their own way. But only the rocket made me drool everytime I looked at her. (And still does)

The night after I was at the dealer I received a phone call telling me one of my buddies just passed away at 42. I called the dealer the next day and put a deposit on the bike and picked it up the following day!

Looking back I should have bought all three!!

No regrets here just buy one, but only if you are ready to sell all your other bikes. You won't be riding them anymore!! Lol

Good luck making a choice!