Hi all, I'm from Cambridgeshire and took my Rocket Roadster 2013 for its first trip out with its new master ! Was my first ride on a rocket I did take it easy as the roads were cold and greasy but was more than impressed with the power , I'm back into biking after quite a while out the last bikes being Gpz1100 , z1000 , GS850 , YPVS 350 ! Well bikes have certainly improved and I thought I may as well go for the biggest if I'm going back out there roll on the better weather and HI to all of you
Welcome Broadside. I’m up in Yorkshire and recently joined the TR3 fraternity. Great forum this is too. Cheers Tim
Hiya Tim, roll on some better weather mate! I took the bike out yesterday to get to know it a bit more as it was only my second ride out and enjoyed it didn't go far I thought it was cold but I imagine Yorkshire is a lot colder have you been able to get out or are you being a lot more sensible this time of year ? Cheers Mark ;)
Hi Rocket scientist have been looking on the forum and was following your mishap and it looks good that the bike is getting sorted mate ! it's something we all dred our bikes getting trashed good to be part of the forum for help if needed you shall be ready for spring mate !!
A warm welcome to the site from c...c...c... cold New Jersey, USA, Captain Broadside.

Little did you know that you have joined one big, happy, Permagrinning family.

Enjoy the ride mate!