Here she is!!!!!

We rode 307 miles from stop and go city to mountain grades, 75-80 mph to 20 mph curved roads. VERY comfortable!!! Bike handled amazing in the sharp curves. Mileage average for the day was 39 mpg, I didn't expect it to be that good. No regrets buying this motorcycle.
Beautiful.... 39MPG??? Wowzers... I was in the lower 30's before I "tuned her"... but I'm good with the 24-26MPG's I get now
This weekend I've changed the oil and filter, cleaned the K&N ( I know but it's already there), drained, flushed and filled the coolant and drained and flushed the final drive. I flushed the final drive because of the NASTY black and all the crap on the magnetic drain plug, didn't seem right to just drain it and fill it.
Looks like the final drive oil has never been changed. Normally change the oil every tire change. 4 oz of 75W90 synthetic won't break the bank. As you change it you will notice less and less debris on the magnet.

How did you flush it?
Oh that's a sexy devil! Welcome aboard and prepare to ride WFO! (wallet forever open )

Check the classified...someone was selling some hiway pegs for the crash bars...lots more leg room.

You may get vibration after the riser upgrade...grab some bar end weights for those Kury Isogrips.
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