the cables get hot and lose play he said ..c

What @Claviger said!
When something gets hot it expands, NOT contracts..... if it expands then it lengthens, which gives it more play. Not that it would even get hot enuff to do that. WTF?? He's full of sh!t
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LOL Claviqer,,, In fairness to the guy , he did know the name of the oil its me who forgot by the time, i got home LOL I had a Russel moment getting all ancient and all that LOL did'nt mean it Russel .

,, The guy does have a good name and seems to know bikes , prices are fair , , But i think he is mainly racing and suspension , i took the bike originaly because i had the front forks serviced 12 months ago , and with owning 2 other bikes , work , loss of liscence for a while (bad boy ) I hav'nt rode the rocket , but a couple of weeks ago after 2 consecutive rides i relized it was'nt right , took it to this fella asked him to do it again and what he found was eneven oil in both forks ,, different color oil in each fork one black , one grey and different viscocity ,, he actually filmed it on his phone to show me , he fixed it and the suspension feels like new again .

But i do think that Rockets are a specelist thing , its just hard to find good mechanics , i don't trust the local triumph dealer had a couple of bad experiences there ,

So Mike if you can get me that number be appreciated ,,

News alert ,,, I just had a phone call from a mate who had a ride of my rocket and tells me he had trouble finding 4th gear that was the day before i took it in , so it probably was on its way out , just have to find out what it is now
Take it to @Neville Lush
I'm in South Aust ,, and the weather is ****e , It just does'nt stop raining .. Ruzzle i'll let you have my old original exhaust for 50 bucks ,, but the bike sorry ,, Your getting on a bit now you might drop it LOL

I actually just went and seen the mechanic who serviced it , i asked what oil he used it was some brand can'rt remember what he said , but he said its a top brand used in the states ,,, Jeez who's getting old now Ruzzle i only left him an hour ago and forgot all ready . Better than motul or belray he said ..

I explained what was happening and was hoping for it to be the clutch adjustment , because it seemed to be very easy to pull in , he said it will not affect changing gears or jumping out of gear ,,, anyway he agreed it could be the detent spring , but i'll take it in anyyway ,and let him have a look , I'm hoping its something simple but not holding my breath ,

What i can't help but wonder is why now after he told me the cables were adjusted wrong so he fixed them up , and the first long journey this happens it could be coincidence , but i did ask him what free play he left in it and he said they should be , 6 mm , when i said most say 2-3mm , he said internet mechanics don't know , the cables get hot and lose play he said .. I don't know i'm not mechanicly minded so i can't argue .

What do you think coincidence and bad luck ,, or a result of cables not adjusted properly ,,
hi Coneye,
I lent my bike to a "friend" to have a ride around an open car park a few years back to see if he would like to buy one. he couldn't ride for nuts and stalled twice! ground the gears like a first grader and after 2 mins on the bike I took him off it. I jumped on and rode about 50MTR and the bike missed second, I rode a bit further and it wouldn't go into fourth.
I pulled over and turned the ignition of and then back on thinking that maybe it needed to adjust electronically or something; I had never missed a gear in two years!
anyway, I started off again and sure enough, it missed 2nd gear and again it missed forth; when I slowed down, it would just drop down into neutral.
I took it to the mechanics and found out that he had managed to snap a spring that operated the gear selector between 2nd & fourth!
the only way to replace this $6 spring as to do a $2700 operation up through the bottom of the motor! the bike was off the rode for 8 weeks at the Triumph dealers and my "mate" only paid $600 towards the repairs! needless to say, we don't talk to much anymore.
it sounds like you could be up for the same thing.