LOL Claviqer,,, In fairness to the guy , he did know the name of the oil its me who forgot by the time, i got home LOL I had a Russel moment getting all ancient and all that LOL did'nt mean it Russel .
,, The guy does have a good name and seems to know bikes , prices are fair , , But i think he is mainly racing and suspension , i took the bike originaly because i had the front forks serviced 12 months ago , and with owning 2 other bikes , work , loss of liscence for a while (bad boy ) I hav'nt rode the rocket , but a couple of weeks ago after 2 consecutive rides i relized it was'nt right , took it to this fella asked him to do it again and what he found was eneven oil in both forks ,, different color oil in each fork one black , one grey and different viscocity ,, he actually filmed it on his phone to show me , he fixed it and the suspension feels like new again .
But i do think that Rockets are a specelist thing , its just hard to find good mechanics , i don't trust the local triumph dealer had a couple of bad experiences there ,
So Mike if you can get me that number be appreciated ,,
News alert ,,, I just had a phone call from a mate who had a ride of my rocket and tells me he had trouble finding 4th gear that was the day before i took it in , so it probably was on its way out , just have to find out what it is now