
the cables get hot and lose play he said ..c

What @Claviger said!
When something gets hot it expands, NOT contracts..... if it expands then it lengthens, which gives it more play. Not that it would even get hot enuff to do that. WTF?? He's full of sh!t
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Take it to @Neville Lush
hi Coneye,
I lent my bike to a "friend" to have a ride around an open car park a few years back to see if he would like to buy one. he couldn't ride for nuts and stalled twice! ground the gears like a first grader and after 2 mins on the bike I took him off it. I jumped on and rode about 50MTR and the bike missed second, I rode a bit further and it wouldn't go into fourth.
I pulled over and turned the ignition of and then back on thinking that maybe it needed to adjust electronically or something; I had never missed a gear in two years!
anyway, I started off again and sure enough, it missed 2nd gear and again it missed forth; when I slowed down, it would just drop down into neutral.
I took it to the mechanics and found out that he had managed to snap a spring that operated the gear selector between 2nd & fourth!
the only way to replace this $6 spring as to do a $2700 operation up through the bottom of the motor! the bike was off the rode for 8 weeks at the Triumph dealers and my "mate" only paid $600 towards the repairs! needless to say, we don't talk to much anymore.
it sounds like you could be up for the same thing.