I'm looking for a new back tire as mine is gone - the cords are starting to show.
Stock is 180/70R16, so 126mm sidewall. I'm trying to find a higher load rated bias ply in hopes it will last longer than the last couple tires; so I have to step outside the factory size.
Options so far are 180/65R16 = 117mm sidewall; 160/80R16 = 128mm sidewall; & 170/80R16 = 136mm sidewall.
So this all gets me wondering what all sizes will fit under the fender? Will the 170/80 rub when bottomed out? How much free space is there under the fender? Would the 160/80 affect handling in a bad way? I'm guessing the narrower tire will turn more quickly.
Thanks for any help and insight!
There was a recall on Bridgestone Exedra Max tire's in 09' on the R3T model, the guy who sold me the bike gave me a Bias Exedra Max tire for the front it already had that tire in radial on the back, so I called Bridgestone and they told me they don't make a tire for that bike, I didn't ask any questions and he didn't offer any answers, also when I was looking for a tire online the only tire for the rear size in Bridgestone is a radial, the guy already had a worn out Metzeler Bias me888 on the front and the radial on the back, not good to mix those, I wouldn't even mix manufacturers, I thought it felt a little weird on the test drive, then once I got it home and got it on the road, NJ DMV S**** I found out it had 22psi in the front and 26psi in the rear!!!

, Rode a lot better with the right pressure, I put 36 front and 42 rear, ride's like a dream now, I even asked the guy if he felt a wobble going around corners and I only took it up to 45mph.
I called the Triumph dealership and they said they recommend the Metzeler ME888's that's what I wound up getting, I hear you'll only get 5,000 miles avg. Out of them, and the Avon Cobra Cromes are recommended, I don't know but I think you may get a few more miles out of the Cromes, I just figured whoever engineered the setup is definitely more knowledgeable than I'am, and I'm really more concerned about the tires holding together under the high weight and torque of the Rocket's + the traction was most important to me, they both are about $100 more than the other brands that I looked at, I used to like Continental way back when, but I had Metzelers before and I do like the Ride, will definitely do it myself and save about $400, the shop charged me all together $900, and quoted me $700 they said it took longer than expected, like 2.5 hours, wasn't really happy but I still tipped the mechanic $20, he had nothing to do with the pricing, plus I picked his brain a little.
PS: if anyone wants a 150/80-16 Bridgestone Exedra Max front tire only, it's listed on Facebook and craigslist for local pickup for $75 or BO