Now you've got me thinking........
20 months ago I removed and refitted the trim cover about ten times and now I can't remember much about the actual details about how I did it, except I do remember that it was a bit of a challenge the first time I removed it.
It's a bit of a faff putting it back together also.
But... It's not what I would call an impossible task. No need to force it. If everything that needs to be unscrewed is done so, then it will lift off.
I seem to remember that the storage pocket needs to be removed ( I think it slots in to the top cowl) and I think also the black plastic 'under fender' (I think it hooks/inter-locks slightly with the top cowl)..........Don't fully take my word on that, because I can't remember too clearly, but at least have a look and consider what i've suggested.
I know it's not a huge help, but maybe better than saying nothing and scrolling past your thread.