No, you can't save your original map, however the TuneECU site does have most of the stock maps available. Second, to work out which map you need, go into the TuneECU app as if you are going to flash your bike (ignition on, LX plugged in), then ECU->Connect, then after it connects, ECU->Informations and it will pop up a dialog that will list the map name you currently have. Mine was 31018 so I could search for that in the TuneECU custom maps page (at
Custom Tunes) and see that my map version was in the "All Markets Rocket R No Restrictions 31018Map.hex" which aligned with my VIN (VIN # 971477 to and including VIN # AV5456) and region (Australia, so All Markets).
Also, I am assuming you have already paired the OBDLink LX, used the OBDLink app to update the firmware on the LX and connected to it in TuneECU to make sure it all works ok?
Hope this helps.