Welcome to the forum Latetoride!
I have a 2012 Roadster and really enjoy the bike, even for reasons other than it's OMG acceleration and massive torque: The bike is so stable, with absolutely no weaving or "hunting" that sometimes I swear that it/ we are riding on a trailer. The suspension is very nice as are the ergonomics. This is the first bike of 79 I've owned that has a riders backrest and I LOVE it. The way I ride mine, I always get around 45mpg+- and with the HUGE gas tank, it affords long distances between fill ups. It also just loves 87 Octane fuel. I will try to explain the power to you:
I had a new 2003 Honda VTX 1800 Retro and although I built custom 96 inch very high performance Harley Davidson DYNO winners in Southern California, that were full of roll on power and torque, the stock VTX would have wiped my hot Harley's out!
My new 2010 Suzuki C109R, their 1800cc cruiser was lots more powerful and fast than the VTX. (M109's Brother)
Neither of these even compare whatsoever to the acceleration and torque of the Roadster, at any speed in any gear and my bike is stock!
The thing is as friendly as a puppy when ridden sedately and has no intention of killing you, like a few of my past Supersport bikes or my past V-max but it will put a smile on your face.
I've had a few Ducati's and they were cool and the new ones with their extended valve maintenance intervals and sophisticated traction control/ ABS and sorted out fuel injection are sure nice bikes. The new Diavel's looks have been changed for 15 or 2016 (?) and the change is for the better as far as I'm concerned.
Neither of these bikes have enough dealer's in the heartland to give me confidence if I have a problem. Japanese dealer's are everywhere.
If I were carrying a passenger, I'd get the touring model, which will be more comfortable for both of you.
Everywhere I park the Rocket, it draws a crowd