Help! Bike not running well!!

As long as your looking for say little criters that might have nested look undre the tank to make sure they were not feasting on any wires. check all coil leads going to the coil not just the spark plug leads. I am leaning towards the water settling at the bottom of the Tank also.

Do you have Tune Boy?
Sounds like a bad/loose electrical connection. Check battery posts and cables and coils.
Hey Guys thanks for the help. I've been busy at work and not much time to worry about the bike.

I think I am going to run it down the the local shop once it stops raining.

I just don't see how the 6 weeks would be enough time for the gas to go "bad" I only buy premium and only from branded shell/exxon stations. Yet, I guess it is still possible that the gas was bad in the first place.

I am leaning towards either a fuel filter/clog problem or a loose electrical/distributor problem. I am no mechanic so I think I am going to just let the tech guys take a look.

I'll let you know what turns out.

I've been in the "buying" mode the last week and have ordered

Driver backrest
Lower air deflectors
Gerbings heated liner
Corbin Fleetliner fairing.

I need to get her running so I can play with my new toys...

another side note...

I was at dinner last night with some friends and they were asking about the bike. A few minutes into the conversation I noticed they were looking at me funny. I realized I was referring to the bike as "her" and they thought it very strange.

I had to give them the old "If you don't know I can't explain it to you" line