Help! Bike not running well!!


Standard Bore
May 23, 2009
Houston, TX
Thanks in advance for the help.

The Facts:

2005 Rocket Classic purchased in April of 2009 with 2,000 miles. I have put about 8,000 miles since including a 5,000 mile trip with ZERO issues. About 6,000 miles ago I changed the oil and replaced with Amsoil. The bike has always run beautifully with tons of power no matter the gear or the speed. Last time I rode the bike was about 6 weeks ago with the occasional start and let her perr a few moments in the garage.

I hopped on yesterday and had zero power. Bike sounded fine, there were no lights on but no power. I have had no oil leaks at home but I checked the oil level and it seemed low. I added a quart and did a 12 min tune. I then rode the bike for about 5 min with no change.

Any ideas?

Thanks for the help!

What do you mean by no power?

As in you put it in gear, released the clutch and went no where?
check your airfilter for obstructions, also your fuel filter could be clogged,

or did it just feel sluggish? or like insanly down on power?

cause you could be running on less then three cylinders....
check plugs, coils etc

Ive heard of coils coming loose

Couple of questions:

  1. When you say no power, you mean no engine power or no electrical power?[/*:m:1nq83kkb]
  2. When did you check your oil? Just after you shut it down, or after it sat for a long time? You must check just after shutting off the engine, before the oil drains from the reservoir.[/*:m:1nq83kkb]

Can you be a little more specific in your description?

The bike idles fine but won't respond to the throttle at all?

The bike will not accelerate in gear but in neutral?

The bike stalls after warm up?

The engine doesn't run above idle throttle setting?

Based on your description it could be a TPS, a fuel pump, ECM, coils, loose ignition wires, bad gas, clogged air filter, holed pistons, advancer failure, throttle body gumming, etc. etc, ad infinitum. What exactly is it doing?
thanks guys I was definaitely not specific enough!

I have full electrical power, and can get the bike up to 70-80 mph no problem. I generally baby the bike when I first hop on so I did not notice any power was missing unitl I tried to let her rip going about 70mph.

the best way I can describe riding the bike is that it feels similiar to riding my friends 1600 yahama road star. When you give the throttle a good turn for a tiny moment you feel the bike's tourqe and you think you are about the hual ass then......nothing the bike is out of tourqe.

The first thing I thought was that I am not running on all three cylinders.

I am going to check the air filter first thing this morning i would not be surpised if that needs changing. However I don't think sitting in my garage for a month or so would clog it up so bad as to drasticlly change the way the bike runs.

I checked the oil with in a minute of turning the bike off.

Thanks for the help, I will see if I see any lose electrical connections.

Check for water in the fuel or add new fuel as you could have gotten bad fuel at your last fillup and the water settled to the bottom during the six week long sit in the garage.

Native One
Its a bit exreme but you could have a mouse nest in the air box, wouldnt be the first time that had happened.