A lot? Can't say that, but I've owned various hand- and long guns at one time. Not anymore though, have no need for them; I don't hunt, and watching money go up in smoke with every round doesn't amuse me that much. I'd rather pay for gas.
Yep, playing with guns without hearing protection is also kind of... uh... unwise. You'll shoot yourself or your dog by mistake and wind up with hearing damage.
Ah yes - Thunder. Reminds me of something a mate once told me. A Pilot he was asked to put his Religion on a form once when collecting a plane - He put "Pratt and Whitney".
Ah yes - Thunder. Reminds me of something a mate once told me. A Pilot he was asked to put his Religion on a form once when collecting a plane - He put "Pratt and Whitney".
Yep, playing with guns without hearing protection is also kind of... uh... unwise. You'll shoot yourself or your dog by mistake and wind up with hearing damage.
Been shooting actively for 15 years, and other than sandbanks and the occasional tree (missing the intended target), I have never shot anything unintentionally. Must have gone through the best part of a thousand rounds. Like all things, being sensible removes pretty much all danger.