Helmet Lock Location R3R

I use one of these. Put the helmet over the sissy bar then lock through the sissy bar and helmet buckle.


I carry one of these: http://www.abus.com/eng/Mobile-Secu...ecurity/Locks/Special-Locks/Combiflex-Pro-202 and thread it through an immobile part of the bike and then through the viewport of my full-face helmet. Thieves happily slice the strap of a helmet, even though that makes it next to useless, at least a 2.5 mm thick wire requires some sort of wire cutter, won't do it with just a Leatherman. It's mostly to keep honest people honest though, but then again so are all locks.

From there one could go up; 8 mm http://www.abus.com/eng/Mobile-Security/Bike-Safety-and-Security/Locks/Special-Locks/Cobra + a good padlock could help secure a jacket too, easily long enough to thread through clothing (though the 202 I have works for that too, even though that's the most basic level of security you can get).

I supposed for serious protection one might thread one of these through the viewport and the frame instead but carrying one of these might get inconvenient: http://www.abus.com/eng/Mobile-Security/Quad-ATV-Snowmobil/Steel-O-Flex/Steel-O-Flex-950
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Yeah I wouldn't trust a lock that uses the helmet strap at all, like I said the miscreants will slice the strap.
Yeah I wouldn't trust a lock that uses the helmet strap at all, like I said the miscreants will slice the strap.

Wouldn't the helmet be useless after that? Couldn't wear, sell, or trade for crack with a helmet that has a slashed strap.
Most everything we use for security is meant to keep folks honest and will not prevent some douche cannon from causing damage! Just my 2 cents . . .