Hello, my name is...

Smoking the tire while carrying the front wheel is the best... Borris Murray's image captures it.
T.C. Christenson on the "Hogslayer" twin engine Norton was another one I liked.
Welcome from Western North Carolina where we fuel the Dragon (and countless other roads just as worthy). Enjoy the ride!
Welcome from NW Louisiana
Hello, from Stockton California but currently here in Cebu.
Howdy neighbor, from Maine, where we're knee deep in snow. What part of NH you from, I spent years in the Tilton/Northfield area as well as Plymouth, maybe we can meet up sometime.


Howdy neighbor, from Maine, where we're knee deep in snow. What part of NH you from, I spent years in the Tilton/Northfield area as well as Plymouth, maybe we can meet up sometime.


Seacoast, Near exit 1