Hello from Worcester, UK

Hi Jase
Did you get the one from Bulldog, I know they had a TTS one for sale on there, if the pipes do not have 'not for road use' on the underside then you really do need to ditch them.
There are still quite a few things you can do if you want still more power.
Hi everyone

I've just bought my first R3 which just happens to be supercharged already so I'm kind of in at the deep end.

I've always had sportbikes and a couple of Vmax's in the past but after my first few rides on the R3 I'm hooked and haven't even given it the full beans yet.

It's currently running standard pipes with a de-cat but I'm really tempted by some pipes I've seen on ebay (sold by tsa49) which exit just in front of the rear wheel. Has anyone tried these or heard any feedback on them?


Welcome JaMax.
If you like those short pipes you may want to contact andydep
a member of this forum and he's from Hastings.
His avitar is below
Link Removed
welcome to the site from Irvine Kentucky you might want to check up on all the specs on that supercharger changing pipes will change a lot and could end up costing a chunk of money
Thanks for all the replies.

I'll do some more research on the pipes, maybe speak to TTS and see what they say.

I'm pretty sure they are standard pipes except for the decat, they are very quiet.

PS. Yes it is the one from Bulldog, very impressed with their service by the way.
Thanks for all the replies.

I'll do some more research on the pipes, maybe speak to TTS and see what they say.

I'm pretty sure they are standard pipes except for the decat, they are very quiet.

PS. Yes it is the one from Bulldog, very impressed with their service by the way.

Almost any pipes (except perhaps the early side exit Zards) will sound better & yield more power than stock pipes, will not damage engine as will breath better & reduce boost but remap to get the best out of it.
Yes Bulldog are good people, Andy in parts is always helpful & I will be buying my new Bonneville from them.