Hello from Worcester, UK


Standard Bore
Aug 20, 2012
Hi everyone

I've just bought my first R3 which just happens to be supercharged already so I'm kind of in at the deep end.

I've always had sportbikes and a couple of Vmax's in the past but after my first few rides on the R3 I'm hooked and haven't even given it the full beans yet.

It's currently running standard pipes with a de-cat but I'm really tempted by some pipes I've seen on ebay (sold by tsa49) which exit just in front of the rear wheel. Has anyone tried these or heard any feedback on them?

Welcome Mate from Perh W.A.

Supercharged Aye! .. enjoy.. but take care they are a bit heavy when inverted ;)

I was born in the Lincs UK, I was wandering where you could go to use such a beast..
Another Aussie welcome. Supercharger with standard pipes seems an odd combination; they might be Triumph Off Road (TOR) pipes. Good to have you join us.
Welcome from far-flung Australia... i'd have a read-up on exhaust systems before spending your hard -earned. Some a better choice than others. Plenty of info on just about anything Rocket related here... Enjoy the new ride and your drivers licence while you still have one :D
Welcome from the other colony. ;) The Isle of Man has some nice open roads...where the heck can you guys open the Rockets up in the UK?

Any where there is not a speed camera :eek:. we like the bends so open them up is not all ways the thing

oh and wellcome from down south (Bucks)
Welcome mate from peterborough. I have the shorty exhausts you are on about on my bike. They look and sound great. no problems with them at all. The guy who sells them is an engineer and also runs a rocket. So knows his stuff. Well worth speaking to. Hope this helps cheers mate.