Welcome to the forum. I hope you can seal the deal. It's an absloutely awesome bike. There's nothing like it as a test ride will show if you haven't already done so.
I have found here, that the only way you are getting a test ride, is if a dealership is having a ride day where you can go there and take various bikes out on that day to try them out, other then that, as a rule it isn't happening.
Omezaswimmer-san, there are a number of very hot and nasty Triumph RIII customs in Japan. Somebody posted up a video here several years ago that I'm trying to find and repost for you, but in the meantime, this should get your juices flowing! There are more than a few Rocket Captains in Japan!
This Japanese company, Carbon Dry, manufactures some very high quality carbon fiber bits and pieces for our beasts; CarbonDryJapan.com - カーボンドライジャパン -,
Good morning brother. No swim for a few days, but right after the first of the year I begin taining for my next cross-country swim. I haven't picked a river yet, but the one this past summer was 224 miles in 15 days.
Good morning brother. No swim for a few days, but right after the first of the year I begin taining for my next cross-country swim. I haven't picked a river yet, but the one this past summer was 224 miles in 15 days.
R3 had been discontinued due to exhaust gas regulation in 2009 but in 2014, Japan was tailored to Europe's emissions regulation so Triumph Japan re-started sales R3 again.