Hello from Nova scotia

Welcome to the site from New Jersey, liggyh!

I salute your most valuable service, swabbie!!!
Hello Liggyh and welcome from Virginia. I haven't been to Nova Scotia but I did get to slide off the runway in St. Johns a few years back.
Hi and welcome, have fun while you can....done the Cabot trail on it yet?

Lovely part of the world Nova Scotia and great people, my Nan, still going strong in her late 80's, lives in Mulgrave.
Welcome to the site Liggyh from Northern Ontario. If you put some studs on the back tire, you can use that Rocket to pull that Coast Guard Cutter into harbour when the ice comes in.

Have fun. I envy the roads you have to ride in your province.
Welcome from Milwaukee Wi. I would love to tour Nova Scotia. Someday.......
I'm 54 years old. I am a Logistics Officer on board a Canadian Coast Guard Ship and I ride a 2012 Rocket 3 Tourer. Looking forward to learning lots about triumps from this site, since this is my first one. I've owned Kawi's, Honda's and Yanaha's in the past.
welcome to the club
P E I isn't very far and there we have a fine gentleman riding R3 going by the name Jake lookhim up next time you ride near