Upload of some pics done...re the F6B - It's actually an awesome bike, admit the looks are a bit bizarre but an unbelievably great bike to ride. I have owned over a hundred bikes and the F6B is certainly the best long distance comfort tourer I have owned.
Nige, if you're so inclined to tap some add'l ponies, you'd do yourself a real favor by taking advantage of Paul Bryant's genius for designing and fabricating efficient, great looking exhaust/header setups. He more than likely could knock up a set of headers and a collector to use with your (slip-on?) can and I'd surmise that you could gain 20-30 hp at the wheel by doing so and retuning.
Nige, if you're so inclined to tap some add'l ponies, you'd do yourself a real favor by taking advantage of Paul Bryant's genius for designing and fabricating efficient, great looking exhaust/header setups. He more than likely could knock up a set of headers and a collector to use with your (slip-on?) can and I'd surmise that you could gain 20-30 hp at the wheel by doing so and retuning.
Thanks for the feedback Phil. The headers have already been customed, I wrapped them for now as the engineer let me down and didn't put any heatshields on. The slip on has no baffles either and I intended on having a triple exhaust out the rear, but it became too hard for him so we agreed to leave like this until he was freed up.
We have some really good engineering shops here in NZ so I will look around and if nothing else I will open up to the world.
Again, thanks for the positive feedback on the bike. It's coming into summer here so looking forward to getting out and riding.
Update...Rides amazingly well with the new bars. I had them custom fitted to my frame so IMO the whole bike is now much better handling and more comfortable.
I do need some help with my LED indicators and what resistor or relay I need to fit. Any ideas would be great!