1goindiesel is an interesting name. Why not 1goinrocket? Wait till you saddle up on one of those. There is no comparison between the Harley and Rocket for shear power. The giggle factor will leave you speechless. You won't be disappointed. Oh, welcome to the site. Glad to have you.
1goindiesel is an interesting name. Why not 1goinrocket? Wait till you saddle up on one of those. There is no comparison between the Harley and Rocket for shear power. The giggle factor will leave you speechless. You won't be disappointed. Oh, welcome to the site. Glad to have you.
1goindiesel is an interesting name. Why not 1goinrocket? Wait till you saddle up on one of those. There is no comparison between the Harley and Rocket for shear power. The giggle factor will leave you speechless. You won't be disappointed. Oh, welcome to the site. Glad to have you.
Have always enjoyed my diesel cars and trucks tho in truth, do not have one at this time. Seriously??, you have a SC RIII, What kind of numbers does that put out??
Sadly I don't have a supercharged Roadster. My Avatar shows supercharged below my name and its linked to the number of posts. Some day you'll have a Supercharged too......
Have always enjoyed my diesel cars and trucks tho in truth, do not have one at this time. Seriously??, you have a SC RIII, What kind of numbers does that put out??
Sadly I don't have a supercharged Roadster. My Avatar shows supercharged below my name and its linked to the number of posts. Some day you'll have a Supercharged too......