Hello from Brooklyn NY


Standard Bore
Jun 6, 2016
2005 rocket 3
Just got a mint new( to me) 2005 R3 with 11k miles. Lovin it! Still have my Kawasaki ZZR 1200 for speedy days :)
Welcome from NJ enjoy you new bike!! Is the R3 a daily rider or do you get out of town to ride?? Have an uncle in Brooklyn, traffic is crazy!!!
Welcome from NJ enjoy you new bike!! Is the R3 a daily rider or do you get out of town to ride?? Have an uncle in Brooklyn, traffic is crazy!!!
I ride it everywhere. I just took it to PA last week. I have an issue with severe helmet vibration thou that I have to address. It is so bad at highway speed that it gives me a headache. I have a touring screen on the bike.
Hello Dave and welcome from Virginia. I find that riding without the windscreen sometimes helps with the wind on certain bikes. The screen height on my R3T works perfect for my height though so it stays on for most of my trips.