Hello from Blue Ridge,GA.

I already planned on putting on the long hual seat w/rider back rest as i have back problems. highway bars and pegs. i like to sit back and take it all in.. thanks for all the info. will be two up most of the time and enjoy a long ride...800 mile days. i am only 5ft7 tall and 145 lbs but never had a problem with heavier bikes. when i test drove the tour i told the sales guy stop at a emty lot . did several tight slow turns ect. he said it looked like i rode that 900 lb bike for ten years...lol so the 09 standard should be much easier to manuver also. rain should be done here today going tomorrow to test the 09 then. with the Mrs. if all goes well Ill be getting this bike in a week or so. need time to add all my options on it.....yall ride safe
Welcome from Pensacola Fl. I'm 160 and 5' 7'' and don't have any problems riding but I ride the classic and its a little lower. I have discovered that the R3 doesn't like off road much sand a bit*h.:confused:
well didnt buy it......the guy knew i was going to be there two weeks ahead of time and could even charge the battery on either the 2012 or the 09 stupid.......wasted a trip 65 miles each way to do a test ride and never did....any one else interested there at pandora cycles in chattanooga tn. he lost my buisness
that's a bummer!! very poor PR if he knew you were coming all that way, even did get caught out with flat battery being a dealer he surely would have had a new battery there if he was interested in selling bikes
guess he wasnt to interested in selling it was he. oh well it was a nice bike but need to come down on the price also has a couple minor scratches. but over all very good shape....... just needs tires ,battery, seat replaced, i bet someone could pick it up for 7900 - 8200