my name is todd
I am a fairly new rocket owner, I have been riding over thirty yrs and enjoy all types of motorcycles the 2005 rocket I have is a real favorite it seems to be reliable so far and really fits my size well
A BIG welcome from DEEP SOUTH TEXAS. You will find a deeper appreciation for our Rockets just watch out for the man in blue. FAST is FUN but could cost some greenbacks if not careful. Ride when you can but always be SAFE. Again welcome and the fellas here really are helpful.
my name is todd
I am a fairly new rocket owner, I have been riding over thirty yrs and enjoy all types of motorcycles the 2005 rocket I have is a real favorite it seems to be reliable so far and really fits my size well
Hello from Roswell, NM and welcome to the madness! Hope our paths cross in the near future as I have family that lives there and ride thru several times a year.
Booya Bob
Welcome Todd From another of the Aussies on the forum ,you must be tired after riding for 30 years and come a long way, 12 or 14 hours and around 1100Ks does me in these days , I have been riding (legally) for 50years so I am even more tired