go one better get rid of the metz on the front and go with either my favorite the Shinko 757 (a divsion of Yokohama, for some reason they stoped calling the bike tyres Yokohama ) or the Avon Cobra. The Shinko turns faster, better, less effort in fact I nearly fell over the first corner I came to, Some people like the avon for long tyre life,
and cupping on the metz, esecilally if you are getting it both sides is to low a pressure and it wouldn't matter what you had on the back, low front tyre pressure = cupping.
On the Shinko 757 I have already gotten more miles and it is two thirds the cost of the metz.
I have ridden CanberraR3's bike with the Avons and It also felt fine at moderate speeds But I have not pushed a cobra so could not honestly pass judgement You would best to ask Richard himself, even at low speed it felt better than a metz