HellFire is Going Darkside !!!

Next thing you know, you'll find yourself in front of the harley shop,
leaving black marks on their pretty pavment......:D Right in front of their double door,
With 6 or 7 harley riders watching you wheelie on down the road,,,,,
Not that i've ever done that, and Mexican is my witness.
It was somebody else......I just heard the story somewhere.

Funny you say that just found out the that Robbo's the Harley shop in Canberra has one and I'm thinking of going up there to give it a run on it, so I can get some AF figures for WayneTripp to look at and see if the Preditar tune he sent me needs tweaking... might have to check the traction before I leave.......;)

Got my 225/55/16 Raptor in today. Putting it on next week. Got two weeks to get used to it, then taking off to Sturgis, SD, from Lake Murray, SC. 1800 miles one way. Will post thoughts when I return. After 50,000 miles and MANY Metzlers, I have gone over.
I'm always in for a new patch . . .
I like your Air Bag protection:cool:

Seriously thu keep the pressure down a little , aout 28psi for the first few miles till you get used to the different feel then work your way up judgeing by your picture I'm guessing you will probally end up on about 32psi just guessing only you can work out what feels right ....just forget it is square ... before you know it you will love it I still scrape my pegs probally actually go over further then I used to, there is just so much more grip:D
Was there a final list of suitable Oz tires - someone mentioned just a choice of 3-4. Although i seen Ian Diffen has a couple of Yokohamas in about the right size. Think after the factory metz is shot dark side will be the go :D
Don't wait, do it. I fiddle farted around with my 3rd metz waiting for it to die and one day it did at the worst time. And I should have known better since the other two left me high and dry at bad times too. They peel like a banana while you think they still have tread and suddenly the cord is exposed. I hate that.

I think the best advice for a beginner Lord Vader is not to go too wide out of the gate, 225/55 is still fat enough to make you go "Ahh", with no clearance trouble or serious changes in steering effort.
You can always try a 240/50 later with all the money saved from not spending a small fortune every 5000 miles on a Metzler condom. ;)

I think I am going to go Darkside with the same BFG tire Hellfire used. It looks great! Does anyone here like the Dunlop for fronts? What size/style have you found works best?
I think I am going to go Darkside with the same BFG tire Hellfire used. It looks great! Does anyone here like the Dunlop for fronts? What size/style have you found works best?
I got the dunlpo last week because it was the only choice i had, so far so good:)