HellFire is Going Darkside !!!

I don't think there was that much effort needed in the first place, it only took three days and I stopped noticing it at all.
I don't think there was that much effort needed in the first place, it only took three days and I stopped noticing it at all.
Thanks. That means that it was just me getting used to it. Watch that front tire. Mine cupped on both sides. Not sure if it was because of the DS but when I replaced the front I bumped the pressure up to 39 psi. Some of the other DS guys said that it would do that because of the low pressure. Factory max psi is 40.
go one better get rid of the metz on the front and go with either my favorite the Shinko 757 (a divsion of Yokohama, for some reason they stoped calling the bike tyres Yokohama ) or the Avon Cobra. The Shinko turns faster, better, less effort in fact I nearly fell over the first corner I came to, Some people like the avon for long tyre life, and cupping on the metz, esecilally if you are getting it both sides is to low a pressure and it wouldn't matter what you had on the back, low front tyre pressure = cupping.
On the Shinko 757 I have already gotten more miles and it is two thirds the cost of the metz.
I have ridden CanberraR3's bike with the Avons and It also felt fine at moderate speeds But I have not pushed a cobra so could not honestly pass judgement You would best to ask Richard himself, even at low speed it felt better than a metz

I had planed to do that before MV. I had no choice but to go back to the Metz. It was the only tire they had in stock. I was not happy but it was the only way that I could make it the 843 miles ( 1356.676 km ) back home.
Happy to answer that. I've pushed the Avons hard and they ride and handle a lot better than the Metz. The front in particular feels very secure and dips beautifully into high speed turns. HellFire has a Cobra on the front of his so he'd give a better view of one with DS on the rear.

By the way, Hanso, HAPPY BIRTHDAY for the 3rd. Hope you had a good one. I know, I said I'd keep it quiet, but what the heck.
OOOOOOOhhhhhhh! Hanso, happy birthday. Wish I could have sent you something. What would you like from the U.S.A.? I have your address.
Oh yeah man, the Avon Cobra is a much better front tire than the Metz was. The Metz wore funny down both sides and cupped badly everywhere but right down the center ... weird wear pattern.
The Avon turned sharper and easier than the Metz too, it's difficult to explain exactly what I mean on that topic. The Avon "wanted" to turn where the Metz resisted it. Sounds crazy I know, but that's my best description.
The Avon shows no sign of wear at all so far and there is no cupping like the Metz, great tire. I'll let you know if it stays that way with the BFG on the rear now. So far the two tires get along great ... they made fast friends. LOL
I couldn't have said that better myself I have copied this post and intend to use it in a letter to the editor,if you don't mind that is.
Let me explain the magazine just arived this arvo and as soon as I get a chance to scan the artical will post some info for you unfortunitly he got some of his facts f..ked up
Sure, use whatever parts you want.
So what facts did they get wrong? ... Love to read it.
Lovin' it !!

It's been a week now, ride it every day. Don't even realize it's not a bike tire back there. Confidence is better on iffy road surfaces, wet pavement doesn't make the ass end squirrely any more.

Funny story ....
You know the wife and I aren't getting along to well right?? Well a buddy invited me to a BBQ and I thought I'd be going alone so I told them I'd be riding the bike. Told the wife where I was going and she wanted to go too, just not on the bike. I asked why and she said it was because I had a car tire on it.
She wasn't about to ride on any bike that had the wrong tire on it. So I said fine, you can just follow me in your car, I'm riding the bike.

She followed me 50 miles into Jersey and back. I asked her if she noticed anything about the bike that she didn't like tire wise. She said YES, the tire tilting up on the edge scared the **** out of me. I'll never ride on that bike again.

The best thing is that when I trounce on it, I don't see dollars flying away as rubber dust.
Hell, I love the tire, it handles great, feels great, sticks like glue. LOVIN' IT!!!!