
Sep 12, 2005
Demand your dealer to sort it . Its not right , if not get on to a Triumph representitive and report the dealer and your problems to them .
Not a fault I have heard of anyway
Thats crap
+1 on what Sully said.

Is there any vacuum when you release the fuel cap :?: It might be as simple as a kinked breather under the tank
Thats crap
+2 on what Sully said. The dealer sounds like an arrogant little prikc! Sounds as though a call to Triumph is in order, if he doesn't shape up.
Total BS +3 what Sully said

BTW, welcome to the forum frocket3.... Sorry to hear about your Rocket problems though
Yeah, the guys are right. That dealer has the responsibility to make it right. Your issue is covered by warranty. If your dealer hasn't a clue or continues to jerk you then report them to Triumph, never go back and patronize your next closest Triumph dealer. I wouldn't want to deal with a shop that doesn't treat you with respect. Your Triumph warranty is honored by any authorized Triumph dealer so go where you're treated right.

As for anything you can do yourself... first thing I'd check is the coolant level. Do this by taking off the chrome airbox cover (bearclaw) on the left side of the engine. Just need to undo 2 bolts at the top front and rear bottom of the cover. Once off you'll see the coolant overflow reservoir. Check the level with the bike standing upright. If it's low or empty, fill it to the max line with appropriate coolant. I use the Honda stuff since it's easy to get. Run the bike some to see if it sucks down that coolant level at all. If it does then fill again to the max line.

If your coolant level isn't very low, then your problem is something your dealer should resolve. Good luck!
Have you done any basic checks, i.e. to see if you are getting a spark at the plugs or so, to try and define whether it is electrical or possibly a fuel problem.

Either way get back to the dealer and "shout some"
Its times like this when I am soooooo glad my dealer is 15 minutes away and 4 further dealers within 1 hour and the factory 2 hours, living on this little island has its advantages...take it back and good luck!
My experience is that it is hard to get a dealer to pull parts off the bikes on the floor. Good for him. Glad you are back on the road and welcome to the forum.
Re: not to heavy now !

frocket3 said:
Thanks for the replys, :) ---Snip---
She does stall at the first round about from home when it is cold, but that could be cold engine from 4000rpm to idle in 20 meters, I'm going to ignore it.

No, it shouldn't stall. EVER, unless you screw the clutch operation.

These mothers pull from idle.

Get your dealer to fix the idle/stall problem NOW, imho...