Heated grips closeout!

Now upon further research I'm seeing the roadster kit as A9638014. And it's NOT that cheap. Must be more of the offloading of touring accessories. Good thing BB has free returns!

If I do use the T kit on my roadster, ilk sell you harness I don't use. But you'd still need the relay.
Upon some investigation, it appears the difference between the roadster and touring are the switch/switch housing, and wire harness. I've got T bars so I'm gonna have to use a different switch anyway and I already ordered the roadster harness for $14 bucks.
Dide if you have set already on the roadster then I wouldn't worry they are better then the T for some reason. I'll post when my 07 grips give out
I don't have either yet. I'm buying the T kit for the closeout price and the roadster harness to make them fit. The actual grips are the same part number for both.
I've had my ups and downs with these grips and have had no issues for the past 4 years... that said, thanks for the tip and I snagged a set; or I've at least attempted to.
Yeah "attempt" being the key word. I finally heard back from BB. Both orders cancelled due to non-availability.