heated grips anyone ?


Oct 9, 2016
w mids united kingdom
roadster 2015 matt black.
hi every one,its starting to get a bit cold in good olde britain,
i have had heated grips on all my bikes for years,what i need to know who has fitted the triumph heated grips.
i have read up on a few other sites and a few of the guys recon they have had problems with the throttle tube breaking leaving you stranded ??
what do you guys recon ???
I think your research is correct, many here have reported problems, personally I like heated gloves that plug into the bike, they're warmer, plus I can use them on multiple bikes.
I have had the Triumph heated grips on my Roadster for the last 3 summers with no issue. I wonder if the dreaded broken tab isn't due to tensioning the cables too much. There should be a bit of free play in the push/pull cables. I love mine and use them a lot.
I'm with Tripps ,Heated gloves are much better.
Yes all the problems was with the r3t I would suggest a after market heated grips
i would think it would be the repetitive heating that would cause the failure. I have heated grip on mine but rarely use them. I worked in a meathouse for years and am use to have cold hands.
I have them installed on my '09. Haven't had any issues with the throttle tube breaking but the low setting stopped working after 1 season. I get caught in bad weather a lot so they get plenty of use.
I was replacing mine once a year luckily it would be just before the warranty would go out