Heat from engine


Jul 31, 2012
Melbourne Australia
Triumph Roadster 2010
First warm day today , rode home from work in the traffic boy the heat comes up off the motor is this normal for a rocket in traffic?
Glad it won't be a regular trip for me normally in a car , but on the occasions like toy run etc in summer will be a bit hot:eek:
I don't think the heat is that bad. Had a 02' Yamaha Warrior before the Rocket and that thing would just cook you when at a stop. Texas heat dose not help. Rode a friends Gold Wing Sunday and the heat coming off of it was bad, even at speed. Good for cold weather riding but again in Texas is too hot.
Glad it won't be a regular trip for me normally in a car , but on the occasions like toy run etc in summer will be a bit hot:eek:

HTFU !!!! ... you're a Triumph rider , you're supposed to be tough.

Someone else will explain the meaning of this wise often quoted statement :D