Headlight relay questions....

Alrighty, I have an update. Here is a bit of info that I got today. Apparently, the gent that I bought the bike from had it in the shop about a month or two ago to get the ignition switch replaced. He didn't know anything about the whole headlight relay issue either before or after the work, but they did replace the ignition as well as installing a new wiring harness. I assume, and we all know how dangerous that is, that the relay was replaced at the time.
That being said, I asked him if he was having to keep the bike on the battery tender just after that replacement or before and he told me that the bike had always been like that and he just thought that was how this particular bike was. In short, I think there was a problem, but he just didn't realize that there was a problem since it was being compensated by the battery tender.
What I am curious about is if there is any chance Triumph might cover this even though it is out of warranty since it had the issue during the warranty period.
Most likely not, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
Now to the bright side. I called the shop and while I was talking to the guy about all this new info I had uncovered, he told me that the mechanics just brought the bike back in from the test ride and it is good to go! He told me he would have to get into the notes to see what has been the problem, so I don't know what that is nor how much this fix is going to cost me yet, but I will find out in about an hour. Here is hoping for an inexpensive fix...:sad:
I'll post back on here later with what actually went down. Thanks all for the thoughts and suggestions!
..one test ride won't tell much one way or the other bout fixin the electrical gremlins..and all dealers know less about this persistent problem than the stupid electrical engineers that designed this poorly understaffed wiring harness on this beast of a bike..it really is the Achilles heel of these otherwise fine machines..If I was you, I would just do like Lupe (Mexican) suggested in an earlier post and buy and install the Eastern Beaver headlight relay mod and be done with it..
Alrighty, I went to the shop yesterday and picked up my bike! The gist of it is that the guy never did find what was actually causing the power to constantly drain, but he did a rewiring so that the relays (he said that there were actually 2 that were drawing all the time) now stop drawing when the key is off.
Unfortunately, he was speaking to a mechanically and electronically illiterate person who is now trying to tell you what he said, so I'm sorry that this is not a very clear answer.
He did say that if this ever happened again, and he doesn't think it will, that he should be able to get it covered for free.

I will probably look into the Eastern Beaver relay mod just to be on the safe side.

Thanks all for the help!