Headlight Flasher 4 Roadsters?


.020 Over
Jan 23, 2011
Eastern Ontario-CANADA
Many years ago, I purchased/installed a safety Flasher unit for the headlight of my Kawasaki Z1300 6. Flashed the headlight 4 times per second-got lots of attention(the good/noticeable kind) during daylight heavy city/highway traffic. Now am looking to add something similar to my 2011 R3 Roadster. Any recs? Would like something easy(plug +play) to add to the dual headlight circuit of the Roadster, without dicking arount too much with the stocker wireing - any advice would be welcome! Thanks - Robert T.

first get an eastern beaver h4 headlight relay with long wire then we will talk
There is about a 50/50 love/hate relationship with the headlight modulators. Personally to me they are annoying...but to each their own.

If you think it will give you a slight edge...you'll do what you have to do but I have also noticed that if people driving cages aren't paying attention to their driving they aren't going to see you no matter what you put on the headlight(s)...you still have to ride like you are invisible.


87 dtg Dubai
88 dtg Home for good!

They seem to look like an emergency vehicle comming. People will slam on brakes thinking there is trouble. I have seen it happen. I truely believe they should be outlawed. I know ya mean well but just think about it.
I have the Eastern Beaver H4 relay kit and a headlight modulator by SDC (Signal Dynamics). My aftermarket turn signals require a load equalizer and I opted for the electronic version by SDC for that as well. I did my research on tail light modulators and will be choosing the one sold by Eastern Beaver.

The best tail light modulator is the one sold by Easter Beaver since it does not annoy those behind you by flashing every time you touch the brake, it uses some common sense. The flashing operates on the initial stop and doesn't just flash the same over and over as you creep forward at stop signs. SDC makes a solid product as well, but it gets annoying being behind a bike with one since it does exactly the same thing every time the brake is applied.

SDC's Head Light Modulator gets my vote due to it's compact size, waterproof construction, night time auto disable and high beam switch on/off feature. It comes on automatically during the day, but can be turned off by just flipping the Headlight Hi/Lo switch once. It is also 50 state legal.

SDC's load equalizer is my choice for the same reasons as their headlight modulator, water proof, size etc.
My bike had one when I bought it (@2300 miles on OD) I removed and trashed it.
Still want headlight Modulator

Thanks to Hellfire for the useful info re the Headlight Modulators(and other stuff). Also others for their input. Got to say that having driven in heavy urban traffic(mid Toronto, by the Don Valley Parkway and the 401 expressway) my experience is that it is clearly better/safer with the h/light flasher unit, than without it. Yes it grabs the eyes of other drivers - but that's a good thing IMHO.
I also have the low beam cut off for the Eastern Beaver headlight relay kit, it allows for turning off the headlights completely while on low beams (I can flash the headlights even when turned off by toggling the high beams). The option gives the starter extra juice that would have been wasted on lighting the headlamps between turning on the key and hitting the starter button (every little bit helps). Between the switch, flasher and Hi/Lo beam toggle ... I have the options of standard solid headlights ON, flashing headlights during daylight and running with no lights at all. It's just nice to have options .