Head Gasket Problems


.020 Over
Apr 21, 2009
South East South Australia
2008 R3T
Just wondering if anyone else has had Head Gasket trouble with their Rockets??

I have had Mine for 7 weeks now and have clocked up just over 3000 km from new, I noticed a bit of oil on the rear lower section of the Motor on the right hand side and just thought I would call in to the dealers next time I am close and get it checked. Today it kept nagging me about this leak so we had a look to see where it was coming from and traced it back to the Head Gasket. I don't seem to have Oil in the Water or vice versa but the oil leak is pissing me off.

Rang the Dealers today and spoke to the service Manager, They are going to take it next week and give me a loan bike until it is ready which I think is pretty **** good of them.

Is the Head Gasket a common problem or am I just unlucky??
G'Day Shaggz - I have the same problem,same spot as well. The bike (08 model) has only done 4000klm . Took it straight back to the dealer who indicated they would fix it without issue. Still waiting to hear back from them to book it in (hopefully they will give me a loaner)
Me too.. 08 R3T, noticed it at 2k miles got worse until I brought it in at 4k to be fixed.. (Figured I'd have them fix it during the Winter..)
Work was done quickly and hasn't leaked a drop since!

I used the copper head gasket spray on mine as well just to be sure. I have put about 700 miles since I put her back together with no problems.
I have not applied more the 10 lbs boost to her yet but that gets above 140 quicker then stink on crap anyway.

If your dealer finds water in the oil I found that you can pull the sump and just the 8 main bearing ladder bolts to clean the bottom and oil baffel without disturbing the main bearings. This method is not in the manual and leaves over 25 bolts still torqued I did however rotate the crank as minimum as possible while changing the liners and pistons.
Just about to take it in now to get the Head Gasket done, I don't know what I am gonna do without my Rocket for a week. Hope they give me a good Loaner
I hope they only have it a week ,my shop is min two weeks, when they did my tranny upgrade they had it 5 weeks. they did give me a loaner but asked for it back after the fourth week. they got the loaner when i got my bike back
Has anyone else experienced going from a R3 to a Hyosung 250 lmao

I feel like i need my knees removed from behind my ears and when I stood up I am sure it felt like I had a G-String on until the bike fell back to the ground :twisted:

I hope for sure that it doesn't take more than a week, I am going to have to leave home 30 mins earlier every day just to get to work on time :shock: and worse still....... People I know have already seen me riding the Hyosung
atleast they loaned me a honda vtx 1800, still no comparison to the rocket
Head gasket

I had a sprint it needed a gasket after 350 miles :x chopped it in for a R3T THAT NEEDED ONE after 1200 miles :cry: had to wait 5 weeks for a slot at dealers as it is a 5+ hour job then found the battery was as a dodo after three weeks .
Got it back now and we are enjoying the sun here -------------
Mine is going in next week for the new head gasket. When I asked about a loaner there was an uncomfortable pause followed by a strong cheerful response (almost in giggle tone) "Certainly Sir and you can hang on to it until yours is ready" - God only knows what they have planned for me.