Head count WV

CvS is in the house, should be there Wednesday night. Think I can keep up with y'all on the twisties?
Did you miss the memo, this is in WV, not Baja California... You may want to take the off-road tire off and put a smoother street slick on there like that front one...
Just got back from Indian clinic. Got some more pills and have to see a specialist Friday. X rays did not look good. Pain is eased up a lot from the shot i received. It is a ***** getting old. I-40 was empty. Gunned it a bit on a straight way with no exits or entrances for about two miles. Odometer Pegged and still had plenty to go. Bike is running great. I ain't.
Getting the feeling am screwed. Arthritis started in knee and has now worked it's way into my back. Operation is a 50/50 shot. My primary doctor at the clinic is a straight shooter. I ride with her dad from time to time. Really starting to think this year i'm riding to Sturgis South Dakota. Have not been in over 20 years. Her dad called me a bout a hour ago and invited me to ride. Yes i do mean ride not trailer. Gonna ride like a mother ****er and party like a mother ****er. From the looks of it may be my LAST RIDE. Hell i"m good with it. Like you all a lot Especially Rainman and Wendy. A guy has to do what he has to do. So with that count me out.
Well im gonna catch up with you when i come through Oklahoma and hope to hoist one with you, to you, maybe we can get in a little ride and ill see if widowmaker can hang with that X of yours. Maybe one light to light for father time. Hang in there sonny
Ok guys I made my treck to Virginia. Amd since the toll booths for cash are not open. I took the midland trail from Huntington Wv. To black sam church. And all I could say was this road is so fun I can't wait to try a motorcycle on it. Man this is starting to look good!!!!