Head count WV

Stay with your mom you only have one
With all love intended brother, stay with your mom. You are making the right call. I am lifting my coffee cup to you and your mom this morning.
@mully95 what boog said brudda. You're doing the right thing.

My brother and I went through it with our Mom a few years ago. One day we will sit around the campfire and and swap stories.
Mully i was with my mom the last week of hospice, she was in Richmond where she raised us, it was hard to see mom like that, she was fighting so really made it heart wrenching, my brother went out fighting to about 5 minites before he passed, kept saying junior get me up, i really admire you as i know how hard it is to see them like that and i pray for peace that passes all understanding at this time in youlls life. When its done and you can i hope to ride with you one day as we smile thinking about them. Be blessed brother.