Head count WV

Stb +1

Drd and sandy
Billb +2
laser surgery to kill the nerve is a must. Doing my best to get it done by next week. Had it done before and it takes a few days to get over it. Tailbone moved again. Old injury caused from being stupid on a bike at seventeen.
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As much as I would really like to be there with the only people I consider true friends...I just can't make it this year. I've been flipping the coin in my head on going or not for a while now as you all know. I even put in PTO at work so I could be off that week in order that no one at work would take my spot.
It's just best that I stay home because of my mom's condition. About a week ago mom gave up, quit chemo, and tried to get into Hospice so they could take care of her until the end. She's just tired of living like this. After having a consultation with her doctor trying to get into Hospice they wouldn't take her because she wasn't "sick enough" to be entered. So now mom is back on chemo (with the encouragement of nurses and myself) and going to the chemo clinic just about everyday. As of last night mom isn't doing good right now but it's like she does good one day and next day it's bad. She is at the point where she can't do anything without my help or someone else.
I really want and need to "get away from it all" but that would be very selfish of me. And I know mom "You go on... I'll be fine."...She's like that....Yeah right ... in the back of my head I would be worrying about her the whole time I would be gone...lol
Ya'll ride and be safe.
With all love intended brother, stay with your mom. You are making the right call. I am lifting my coffee cup to you and your mom this morning.