Head count WV

Unfortunately half of our group of six are Canadians and with the US-Canada border closed until late June we'll have to cancel our participation for this year's RAA event. Have it again next year and we'll be there.
Talk about adding insult to injury, got the well fixed, $1000, 3 days later septic backed up, another $240, what's next? I'll miss you guys but I'm glad I cancelled. Next year this house will be gone and I won't be living so close to the edge.
well well well a fortuitous turn of events ( I know I know one of those $10 words..but I got it on a senior discount for $7.99 so what the hell?)..anyway, turns out two of my Rocket buddies (Yogi, Tribal Jim) are going to attend so the three of us will arrive Wed afternoon for 3 nights. Looking forwardto seeing old friends and meeting new buddies.