Head count for RAA - Wytheville VA 2017

Power stroke and a UHaul trailer at say 25 bucks a day rental which is cheap because the drop off fee is what rapes you. Heck you should also bring the wifey so she meets everyone and realizes I am the tame one

I wanted to drop back by but people post on face book and I got caught out of pocket and had no excuse not to ride up into Tennessee to see my older brother. Got greeted by a black bear once I got into his gated community. Good thing it did not like the Carpenter Megaphone I guess they are not so nice right now do to the lack of berries. To be truthful if I was forced to eat out of a dumpster I would be a touch perturbed myself
Whos running the back of the Dragon?
Sounds good to me I just got back from a 1800 mile jaunt to Maggie valley on my beast last week and a month or so earlier was out in the Wytheville area all was good except the motorcycle detour on 81. It would have been a great detour except the cagers caught on

Motorcycle detour? You'll have to show me that!