Head count for RAA - Wytheville VA 2017


Drained all the fuel from tank....used 1/4 copper tubing to get down into the very bottom of the tank
Got less than a 1/8 teaspoon of weird black looking liquid and about 20 small specks of trash looking stuff....but no rust or water

What do you think????

Just add 2 gal. of new 93 oct and some oct boost..........and see what happens

I will put the old gas in my lawn mower....That is how good it looks and smells

PS I got about a gallon of 174 octane you could have refilled you jar,,,,,,,,,LOL

That's awesome Fletch! Whatever kind of dirt or water that is in that fuel rail is already there and you're not getting it out unless you remove the rail so I say go for it. I might be tempted to pour a couple of quarts of seafoam into the gas tank without any gas and run it for a minute or so just on the straight seafoam. We use that stuff in a pressurized container to clean fuel injectors at the shop so I don't see how it could hurt anything to give it a try if you feel froggy.
@R3Tex sorry to hear u may not make it
But glad to hear you may be going back to work hopefully things will work out and you still be able to make it
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Thanks for the reply. What came out of the tank was when the tank was raised as high as it would go and leaned over at about 30*I used the 1/4 line to get down as deep into the bottom of the tank as I could. So there should be very little of anything left into the tank.

Help an Ol'Man out what the heck is sea foam.........OH Dang I just saw where you are at..........How ya been guy....long time no see

I could go to Roxboro NC and get 103, or 110 Racing fuel. That is the only place I know you can get it without going to a large race track....Like...VIR

It darn sure has Fletch. Seems like stuff started going south for both of us just after we met down in Pittsboro, hopefully at some point soon we can sit down over a beer and have a jaw session.

Seafoam is a commercially available fuel system cleaner and treatment you can get it at any of the local parts joints.

Poor a quart into the tank and if the bike will start up and run with just one quart in it let it run for a couple of minutes then shut it off fill it up with clean gas and take her for a ride.

I wouldn't worry about getting racing fuel these bikes run on such a low compression that any quality Tier 1 gasoline is absolutely fine.
Sea foam is some good stuff. I use it in the lawn mowers and the weed eaters. Have used it in the Harley when it sits for a spell. The Rocket never sits for a spell so have not tried it but imagine it would work out rather well.
sounds great Joey I would definitely add some good gas and a battery and see if she fires up. Sea foam is a additive like Gum out which has lubricants and other goodies to help any water mix and burn much like ethanol does but more concentrated. follow the mix ratio and add it with the 2 gallons of gas. You can get it at any auto parts store like Advance or Auto zone let me know how she is doing if she fires up. be careful as even though you are healing good you still will have some weakness in the muscles they cut and or moved out of the way when they spread your innards out on the table during surgery. So be careful maybe even have your son test ride it. Or definitely have him help pull it out and move it around so you do not tear anything. I'm not far away so I can come down if needed. Now the old gas use it on them darn geese they will learn not to piss you off Also if they're not bright then use it in the lawn mower and drain your radiator the geese would like something sweeter anyway
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Hello Guys

Something must be wrong......

I drained the fuel tank.....added 3 oz of 108 octane boost. charged the old Odyssey PC 545 battery on 2 amps for about 4-5 days

added 2 gal. of of 91 octane gas. With the tank still not bolted down I rocked it back and forth for 3 min. or more

I turned on the start switch then mashed the starter button. The engine made about 3 to 4 revolutions...............

That Old Girl Started right up just like it was ran yesterday. I have never been this lucky in my life

Never let it go above 2K rpms and sat there and idled nice and smooth for 10 min. until fan kicked in.

I think I will go and buy a lottery ticket