Head count for raa east 2018

Might take a little while longer than I thought to get my helmet cam footage .

Got in the old Volvo turbo brick Tuesday morning to go to work. Made it about a half mile and the old girl shut off. Called laurel, took hers to work. Got here , called the tow truck. Then the first ticket I got was a Buick that got towed HERE because it knocked off on the road .

Hi, it's reality calling . Hope you enjoyed your vacation because it's freaking OVER . Welcome back !

Could have been much worse. At least it wasn't the truck or trailer 472 miles from home

Once I get the car figured out I will get on the memory card (If nothing else blows up between now and then)
Once I get the car figured out I will get on the memory card (If nothing else blows up between now and then)[/QUOTE]

No rush on the memory card, let me hold my head up for another day or two, before you take me down
Too bad nobody videoed our race from the red light.

that would have been good to see, even though I was incredibly under powered, but it stayed with you not to bad, at least until you got to 3rd and I hit 4th, I think it was at that point the realization that I wasn't winning that battle sunk in , but it was fun
Maybe my mirrors need to be changed. When I hit 2nd it looked like you were a few bike lengths back, and by 3rd I could just make out a headlight. I caught the group before I hit 4th.