Just checked into the hotel in New Mexico, We got stuck in a traffic jam on I 20 in Texas I wasn’t sure of the Lane splitting the rules in Texas so I was hesitant to split lanes or ride on the shoulder, But after about an hour and a half of going nowhere I ended up riding on the shoulder it was either that or have my bike melt from underneath me.
We ended up getting diverted through Tyler Texas .
We put in 650 miles today Josh has been a real trooper I told him that at any time if he wanted to stop to let me know and we would get a hotel but he wants to push on and try to get home by Friday.
We also witnessed a really cool lightning storm while riding into New Mexico from Texas this evening one that I won’t soon forget, for a brief moment in time my shoulders stopped hurting, my ass stopped hurting and I was lost in the moment. I know that the Josh enjoyed it as well.