Head count for raa east 2018

Sorry I have no pics. My iPhone camera is not working
In my summary I want to again thank everyone. I met some people I had been wanting to meet and all expectations were exceeded! We also met a whole bunch of people I didn’t know I would be meeting that was equally pleasurable. This is easily one of the finest groups of people on this huge marble
Just checked into the hotel in New Mexico, We got stuck in a traffic jam on I 20 in Texas I wasn’t sure of the Lane splitting the rules in Texas so I was hesitant to split lanes or ride on the shoulder, But after about an hour and a half of going nowhere I ended up riding on the shoulder it was either that or have my bike melt from underneath me.
We ended up getting diverted through Tyler Texas .

We put in 650 miles today Josh has been a real trooper I told him that at any time if he wanted to stop to let me know and we would get a hotel but he wants to push on and try to get home by Friday.

We also witnessed a really cool lightning storm while riding into New Mexico from Texas this evening one that I won’t soon forget, for a brief moment in time my shoulders stopped hurting, my ass stopped hurting and I was lost in the moment. I know that the Josh enjoyed it as well.

You went through Tyler? Coulda stopped n stayed with us
should be good with the weather today going to be hot lets meet up in alb. and have lunch call me or post here tucamcari about 2.5 hours from alb I am about the same