Head count for raa east 2018

I'm going to have to get younger if I'm going to do this very often... I was sick as a dog from something all day yesterday sat in the lodge parking lot... The meter came off a roadkill around noon today so I was able to pack up and head up to Blue Heron campground to sit in the rain...
Great time always nice to see old friends again(and even young ones--Josh) my hat is off to young Josh 13years old and boy does he have some story's to tell but hopefully not to his Mother
Big thanks to The Kid and DrD for showing us some fantastic roads and a big thanks to Kid for taking myself , Warp and ski off roading on four Triumph Rockets
Now the motel had a roof and running water apart from that it was not up to much, not the motels fault as it is getting sold bit the owner should not be renting any rooms as they are filthy and I am sure quite a few would agree with me as a few would not even go in the room until it was cleaned, but under new ownership the place could have potential.