Head count for raa east 2018

Sandy and I had a great time thanks to all for making us feel welcome. Home now safe and felling better but every belch is another blast of gasoline.

Warning octane boost taste terrible, don’t try it.
OMG have all of you on here met Warp 9.9? That is one wired up dude and didn’t know ahead of time that his screen name is really a character description.. That guy is “warped “.

Durn fine hombre fo sho.

So many nice folks and a few colorful characters.
Hit a series of nasty storms between Lynchburg TN. and Birmingham Al. Bike is running like ****, don’t know if I got some bad gas in Lynchburg or water in the electrics, either way tomorrow promises to be interesting...

OH darn!
Hope a dry-out will clear things up for youse, Amigo!
Are ya gonna hook up with Dave @breeze on the way back?
Oh one more special mention. I don’t know how much longer Ken can go by the name “The Kid”. It’s starting to become a stretch.

Also the funny talking guys( Dave and Paul) are really hard for a southern hillbilly to understand. I could listen to those two blokes for days.
Sandy and I had a great time thanks to all for making us feel welcome. Home now safe and felling better but every belch is another blast of gasoline.

Warning octane boost taste terrible, don’t try it.
glad y'all made it. It's been a great time