Stopping there calls for an obligatory, if honorary "Roll Tide ROLL !", similar to the courtesy national flag raised on a ship when visiting a foreign port.
Laurel and I will be on the road in a little while. Hope to be there late afternoon. I am trailering to this one. I hate it, but if my knee or the rockets transmission blows up we will still get home . @rainman@mully95@warp9.9 you got my number, if ya need anything trucked in . Be safe out there
Put my bike in the trailer last night. Lost control of it adjusting the straps and tipped it over breaking a huge chunk out of my brand new wind shield. I put it back together with super glue and clear tape. I oughts to look like a proper red neck ! I'm really starting to think this bike don't like me
Yesterday eve, after a couple of stops, when I hit the starter button I’d didn’t do anything. I flipped the ignition button a couple of times, hit the starter button, nothing. Then couple more times & fired up???????? I hope I make it to Stearns