Head count for raa east 2018

Leaving in the morning hopefully no rain and be there around noon. It could rainy later in the day. I sure hope we have some dry time to enjoy riding.
It looks like I won't be riding by me lonesome after all. @Whingnut will join me at the Waffle house in Charlottesville, VA around 0830 in the morning. Time for some shuteye... See ya'll on the morrow.
I went to prep my bike a bit to save some time and noticed my brand new Metz ME888 rear tire looked low. Parked truck, hopped on mushy rear and rode it slowly to my mechanics place. Put air in, asked tech to watch tire as I rolled back slowly and there it was, second screw on the second new rear tire this season. Rope plugged it. I'm riding.

I've never had flats on any bikes since the 70's now two this year. I guess I have been living a charmed life.
Cant blame me.
I thought about detailing the Rocket for the ride over but decided nah. Tires are up and ready.

Bought a new exedra max a couple years ago. Got 3 screws in 3 months (no, course thread bolts with pointy tips) hada buy a new one as the **** screw holes were too big n plugs blew out
Stopped for the night 10 miles south of Pittsburgh. Left Buffalo it was sunshine and blue skies, but as we got closer to @rainman , the sky got gray and gloomy, just started to sprinkle, it can only get worse as we get closer

Just landed in Memphis. Got POURED ON for part of the trip n I ain’t even met rainman yet!!!!!!!!!!! Rain is one thing but pouring rain on major interstate Hiways with people doing 75-85 in it is a b!tch